It has been a crazy last few months. I don’t even know if I can accurately describe how much change and trauma for my family, myself and most folks in this country.

New Opportunity

Even in the midst of all this, fortune has smiled my way and I got an opportunity to take on a new challenge in my career. I have been helping folks make use of container technologies and/or migrate to the cloud for quite a few years. It seemed a logical step for me to dive deeper on container technology since it is what I know best and it seems such a popular technology right now.

Fortune presents gifts not according to the book

The last five years have been some of the most exciting and exhilarating of my life. I experienced tremendous growth as a person and as a husband and father. My work with Amazon were some of the most thrilling of my career. I am so grateful for the opportunities that I was provided there. If you are offered work for one of the organizations like Amazon I would very much consider it, because you learn so much and grow so much in a short period of time. I will very much miss my time at Amazon.

New Horizon

I have been very fortunate that I have been given a chance in my career to align myself with my strengths and I am looking forward to this new role focusing on containers and serverless technologies. These technologies are close to my heart and can give tremendous benefits to customers.
I am still in the Philadelphia area so not far from New York and DC. I may even get up to Pittsburgh every once in a while.

New friends and old

For all my friends at Amazon, don’t hesitate to hit me up. For my new friends at Google, I am looking forward to learning from you and working with you to solve problems.

Time waits for no one.

  • Saint Mahrer[^1]